...I think I've found my new "animal".
Things are tracking back to "normal" here at the Nobel-Rudolph household (wherever that may be). The Liam-sitting schedule is filling up incredibly well (our village ROCKS) and he is pretty much back to his now-crawling, squealing self (plus the oxygen leash, which doesn't seem to hinder him much). I am finally bouncing back from this last chemo round-- unfortunately, it hit me harder than the others (as expected) but I'm looking forward to my "good week" here shortly. And unanticipated upshot to the whole wham situation is that I've completely lost any self-consciousness I had about my lack'o'hair. Again, it's all relative. I must say though, we get some incredible lookaways when we're out and about-- sweet liam and I, with his O2 and my bandana. It's like the Red Sea parting at times. (dearLORDwhat'swrongwithTHEM?!). When a kid at daycare asked what was wrong with Liam's face (he has stickers on his cheeks to hold the tubes on) the teacher sagely said "everyone has things they need to deal with, this is just his thing right now." Fair enough.
I've heard a lot of expressions lately, the two most common being "When it rains it pours" and "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." (Although someone corrected me on that second one, in that it should be "God doesn't allow more than you can handle, since God doesn't give people illnesses"-- seems a little biased that God can grant miracles but shirks the sickness rap, but I digress.) Good to know, really.
Somewhat not surprisingly, I've been hypersensitive to platitudes and the how are you doings from people who aren't really "in the know" (and that doesn't count you, dear readers). I know it's not fair, people really do mean well, but it's kind of like when I was really pregnant and would say things out loud and think, "was that my outside voice?" (let's just say I wasn't known for my tact at 36+ weeks, and apparently that saracasm demon wasn't exorcised with the baby...) A fun-for-me (if not exactly fair, but hey, they asked right?) way for me to deal with this is to try to make up something that would make them never want to ask me again (granted, I could tell them the truth, but it's more entertaining to be imaginative.) For example:
Them: "How are you?"
Me: "Well, I only vomited for 4 hours yesterday and that was good because it distracted me from the boils, which, by the way, you should see them, they're quite beautiful, really..."
I guess we all deal with things the best we can, day to day, and dark humor is where it's at for me right now (although images of the aluminum foil deflector posse has really helped this week- thanks :) ). On a lighter note:
Things to be happy about:
- Flordia won the National Championship (which T attended, BTW) which bodes really well for the power of her lucky underwear, from which I assume all powers will now be redirected on me.
- Mike and Andrea come back from their amazing journey to antartica today. How we've missed them!
- Liam thinks my fuzzy head is hilarious. He loves rubbing it and I can get the biggest guffaws from him by putting him on top of my head and tickling his belly. Granted, he gets a bit of road rash on his tummy from the stubble, but everyone has their things they need to deal with, no?
Thank goodness that T's undies decided to achieve maximum potency this year! Now that her "unmentionable" areas are pointed in your general direction, there is no telling what you will be able to do and achieve!
Glad things are finding a new state of equilibrium over there.
Big hugs and lots of warm, loving juju coming right atcha!
Hearing about my lucky orange underwear is probably TMI for your devoted readers.. but let me tell you, their power has only begun to be tapped! ;)
You are one of those flying cockroaches. Not only are you resiliant, you rise above it all! Ok, that was a bit cheesy, but it's true.
I'm looking forward to seeing you and the clan soon, it feels like its been too long.
OK, so you're reminding me of living in Georgia as a kid. You'd flip on the light at night, and waterbugs 3" long would skitter in every direction, under the fridge, into cabinets, whatever. It still grosses me out. But at least they weren't crunching underfoot.
I guess a cockroach is a great choice, since they are so resistant to radiation, right? In any case, I'm laughing out loud.
I hope I can return the favor (of laughter) here in a minute. I have to warn the non-parents out there, this is probably the grossest thing I've encountered so far as a parent. So stop reading now.
I deal with the feces of two dogs, two kids and myself every day, and I am not squeamish. Having lost all social grace, I think it's totally fine to discuss the color of my kids' stool in public. But this made me get a shiver and go blllleeeeech!
A few days ago, we started finding little pieces of dried dog poop in the house, i.e. like what you'd find falling off of someone's shoes. We thought we had it all cleaned up.
Yesterday afternoon, I looked over to see Megan pushing a couple of bits of chewed up, fully rehydrated dog poop out of her mouth with her tongue. I then retrieved the rest from her mouth, and discovered... poop in her molar. I was so skeeved out I can't even begin to tell you.
I brushed her teeth, but the pain still lingers.
So hey, if I can't be wise on your blog, at least I can be disgusting.
Have a good weekend, and talk to you soon.
bmc :)
I love your responses to people asking you how you are feeling...
I think his teacher needs to hear one.
Interesting choice of creatures - great minds (if I can throw mine in your realm) run in the same gutter. For the past few days I have been trying to write a 'Cockroach' poem for you. I think I may have been inspired by the 3-D bug movie at California Adeventure. Luckily, now that you have already gotten the cockroach idea out there I am off the hook and probably won't write what promised to be a terrible poem.
It was great to see you and the clan the other night. We are so glad to be home!
So, if I understand you correctly, for inspiration you will be using a roach?
I like it.
Love, Cal
So does this mean I should run away from you with my pants pulled down as I did in the "prison" hotel in Costa Rica?
My friends in college joked about me being a roach lover because I wouldn't kill them.
I love your new animal. They are extremely resilient and so are you....and don't worry I won't pull my pants down and run away from you when I see you next.
Hmm, what would Kafka think about you selecting bug for your new source of strength/identity? He'd probably write a book although I can't remember if there were any "lucky undies" referenced in his last book; I just remember a very large bug.
At any rate...last week I was holed up in a hotel room busily working away with TV on in the background. There was a newsclip about a scientific study in which 5 dogs (various shapes and colors) were trained to "sniff out cancer." They had a 99% track record for detecting lung cancer and 88% track record for breast cancer as canine tumor detectives -pretty amazing. Man's best friend just got even better! My dog really only has been trained to find hidden dog biscuits but I think with her big nose (and it's BIG), she needs to go to school and help the medical community.
Hope you are having a good day. Sending you happy thoughts from Pasadena!!!
RBW Fan Club President
You know, cockroaches can live with no heads for 3 weeks and they scoff at radioactive boobs. Great Choice!
It has been so good to be back and have time with you, Jim and the little ones.
As always, keep writing and thanks for sharing.
On the question of whether God gives or allows illness or suffering of any kind, I like Harold Kushner's rap in "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." He said that God comforts us in our suffering, but God is not responsible for creating it, not being omnipotent.
This is not my view, however. An external or objectified God is not satisfying for me. We are all in God, not separate from God - called panentheism. Truly realizing this, we can overcome selfishness and participate in redeeming the world.
Keep up the good work, Cari!
Uncle Baarr
Gads, Cari, you've had quite a time. I'm so glad to know that Liam's OK and that you'll be better by now from that last chemo! Your blogs should be put into a book and published....they are so "right there" and interesting, not to mention what a fabulous writer you are! You are VERY strong, and unfortunately have had plenty of opportunities to demonstrate it! Hugs, Jewell
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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