Yesterday I received a "mood ring" from my sweet sister-in-law fresh from Antartica via New Zealand along with the following note:
Dearest Carolyn,
This mood ring chart will help you read exactly how you
are feeling. It should turn blue when you feel "normal" (whatever
that means) and purple when you feel very happy. However, when you
feel angry, it will leave a big fucking red mark right in the middle
of Jim's forehead.
You better warn him.
Don't try this at home: I've been feeling remarkably good (yeah!) with the notable exception of an ill-advised adventure on Saturday. We drove up to Jim's mom's house in the mountains and took the civic instead of the subaru because it wasn't snowing when we left, and we're, well, cheap (and stupid). Needless to say, it was blizzard conditions by the time we got up there, and the poor little Civic made it about 1/2 way up their crazy dirt road before giving up. Jim set to the precarious task of trying to back down the road without sliding off the cliff... Liam was screaming and stressing him out, so I had the not-so-brilliant idea to just walk the 1/2 mile up the hill with the baby to go get help (I'm so brave, remember...) Yeah, well... 15 minutes later uphill through a blizzard with a screaming, wriggling baby (who has an uncanny knack for head-butting my chest where the port is) I arrived like "a little match girl" (as Carol put it) feeling the worst I've felt. I don't remember what color the mood ring was when I arrived, but Jim kept a fair distance, needless to say.
The lesson I learned (other than to try not to be an idiot, a tall order, apparently) was that I should really really try not to over-exert myself (and that I really do feel well, relatively). An excuse to be lazy-- yippee!!
Ahhh, dense and stubborn...that's the Cari we all know and love. :)
Gosh does that remind me of all the times at the land, thinking "Hey, it's only three inches of snow. We'll be fine coming back up the hill!" And the most famous one: "Stuck??? In this???"
Thanks for a good laugh today!
bmc :)
Ah yes, the mood ring - I still have mine in my jewelry box from when I was a kid. I also have a spoon ring and matching bracelet (apparently a popular use for unpopular cutlery). The "deep freeze" has subsided and the sun is out again today. We are at least 20 degrees warmer than yesterday so the natives are back to wearing skimpy t-shirts and belly button rings. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Have a good day.
RBW Fan Club President
And to think - we thought we had it bad driving back from Winter Park in my little Geo Prizm during the blizzard. That's nothing compared to having a wriggly, squiggly unhappy little Wham-o whamming into me every step of the way (into a recently surgi-fied area)! We are glad you are all well and that you are learning your boundaries...better to do so now and to have that excuse to be lazy for longer, rather than pushing yourself too far for too long! Be well and keep up the good vibes
Sending lots of positive thoughts...(and healthy juju)
Karlynn and Jonathan
I think we all need mood goes along with my theory that we all should have tails (like dogs). It would be much easier to know when all is well (that would be the wag...or in Parker's case...violent thwapping) or when to keep our distance :-)
As for the your little adventure in the and learn I guess. Chances are, next time, you'll take the Subaru.
Glad you're feeling well. Enjoy your current excuse to be lazy...because, don't forget, next year doing the Tri for the Cure!!
Carolyn, I am finally finding the time to share some thoughts with you. I have been admantly reading your website (which is awesome, by the way), your blogs and your friends comments, but have yet to respond myself. First of all I want you to know how proud I am of the way you are handling all of this. I had no idea how feisty you are. Sunday's story alone puts you in a class by itself.
I am glad to hear things are going O.K. with your treatment. I have been thinking a lot about you and definitely sending you my positive energy. I've seen you comment on how much it helps to have the support of your friends and family. When we had our terrible scare with our daughter Lucy, it was amazing how our friends and family just stepped up to the plate to support us. I really felt their love. I hope you do too. Hang in there. It will all be over soon and you will be a better person because of the tremendous strength you've shown you have.
Keep up the incredible strength. You can do this.
Love, Katie Policaro
Remember when, years ago, I called you moody, and your reaction was "I am NOT moody!!" The mood ring will finally prove me right! ;)
Your story reminded me of our Warrior Woman weekend where we braved a torrential downpour, and 100 MPH winds backpacking in the Sangre de Cristo mountains. I can just see you trudging up the hill to Carol's, thinking "must... press... on!"
You are justified in having mood swings, and taking it easy. You know I will always be there to hold your arms as you pee outside the tent :)
Waiting in the airport to go to Hawaii...still looking for places for you to travel with the kiddos.
Take care and enjoy the snow.
Mike and Andrea
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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