Happy Valentine's Day!
I have been cleared to pick up Liam :) In an unanticipated happy twist of fate, his non-chub (we were worried that he was too skinny for awhile) puts him below the 20 pound limit. Woo hoo!
The follow up surgeon appointment went well today. The bandages are off and all is looking good. She told me that arm pain is normal, which immediately made it hurt less. She said it due to aggravating the nerve, and that Advil won't work, but I will seek the advice of another doctor who is a bigger believer in better living through chemistry. She said I will be feeling much better by 6 weeks, and back to myself in 3-6 months (minus the chemo, of course). Skiing is out for the season (anyone need a 4-pass?) but I'm good to go swimming in mexico. Mostly I'm just thrilled to be back in action with the little guy.

Jim & I (microwavers that we are) are in awe of this delivery, especially considering that this woman is a lawyer and has a 6 month old. How does she do it? (It's all we can do to make fish sticks).
While closing my eyes to fully savor another yummy bite I told Jim, "You married the wrong woman."
"I know." he replied.
Eyes now popped open, I scolded him "You better tell me something good about me right now!"
"You have great hair," he responded.
God, I love that man.
I think the fact that he would say that combined with the fact that I found it hilarious is one of the (many) reasons we're married.
Wow - what a great day for the Nobel Rudophs! I am so glad that you can pick up Liam (it makes cuddling oh so much easier) and how great to have a wonderful meal. You deserve the best Carolyn! And thank God for humor and funny men - they make it so much easier to get through the tough times, don't they? Yay Jim!And I agree with Mary - I hope you find a way to blog in Mexico, or else I will go through withdrawls.
Big hugs and happy thoughts,
Geez, your friends are making me look bad. I left Kathryn a plate of hand-carved heart-shaped cheeses in the fridge for when she got home from work...
Like Karlynn, I find myself refreshing my browser on your site dozens of times a day, just dying to know what the latest word is. I'm always so relieved and happy to hear that you guys are well and happy too...
Keep healing well and building your strength for the trials ahead. You can do it and it will be over soon! In the meantime, I think low-elevation margaritas in Mexico sound like just the antidote to your present worries.
All the best,
bmc :)
Gosh! All this talk about the food gifts is making me hungry! I've been planning my on-slaught of Veggie Booty, but that just doesn't seem like it will cut it anymore (well, except that it will win me big points with X) If, for whatever reason, we can't pull off a dinner in the next week, I hope to put together something memorable in Mexico. The possibilities are endless, but that means so are the reprucussions. I'll have to think about this one for a while.
At any rate, congrats on being able to hoist the little guy!
you were right.... it made me laugh!!!
Thrilled to hear that you get to swim in 'Azul' and 'Verde' as the little z's call them!
thanks for being you -
Carolyn -
You know how to make fish sticks - I'm coming right over! Did I tell you about the recent event that I set off the fire alarm at Parsons causing a partial building evacuation as the result of burning some popcorn in the microwave. It certainly broke up the afternoon...I've been banned from using the microwave unless I making hot chocolate. My only redeeming quality (in the kitchen... I aspire to have others) is my ability to bake. Speaking of which, please advise on your cookie order so I can send a batch in the mail. Just send me an e-mail and delivery date and consider it done. I must agree with some of the other bloggers, I check your site on a daily basis just to see what you are up to and to let you know that I'm here for you. Have a great day!
Linda (a.k.a., "your friends in Pasadena"...plural included the rest of the Murray clan)
Can't even imagine how great it must have felt to 'nuggle with Liam. Give him a queeze for me. As for that wise acre husband o' yours, give him a squeeze, too, or flick his ear, whichever suits your fancy... maybe both :) Humor is a good thing.
a very good thing.
a very very good thing.
Love to you all,
What good news that you can pick up Liam again! I enjoy you and Jim's sense of humor so much. And don't bash the fish sticks too hard...although, wow, what a dinner.
Got any leftovers? I'm starting to get hungry....
Glad to see things are getting a little more normal for you and the family.
Oh, and Wendy and Barry say you are in their thoughts and prayers. They claim they will email you soon. Maybe some other blasts from the past will also be in touch soon.
playa, playa, playa... Anna's new favorite word. Glad you'll be able to swim in the ocean.
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