Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So I called the doctor today to see if she was, I don't know, maybe kidding about the lifting restriction. Because, you see, I really am physically capable of lifting heavy objects (e.g., a crying baby) it just hurts some (not unbearable). I have almost normal range of motion in my arm/shoulder. At this point, it's just fairly sore/swollen (TMI Alert: and I have a multi-colored breast, to enhance my radioactive boob persona, I suppose) enough to keep me awake at night, or wake me up if I roll over, but again, not really that bad. It turns out that apparently yes, I can indeed greatly hinder my long term recovery by lifting heavy things (particularly squirmy ones), BUT the good news is she said I could lift "20 pound in 2 weeks"-- so even impatient me can make it until Tuesday, right?
There is also a good possibility that Jim and I both may gain 20 pounds by Tuesday. We have received so many wonderful meals that when one of my friends asked another friend what they could do for us she recommended getting us a deep freezer :) All this food is a special treat because Jim and I, although many things, are not exactly chefs (more like "assemblers/microwavers" on the best of days) so not having to prepare anything and get to eat great food is fantastic. I feel fortunate I had the surgery before the chemo so I actually get a chance to enjoy it :)


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